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Black Community Calendar

Fall 2020 Virtual Open House


This serves as an opportunity for new and current students to meet CBCSA staff and learn more about the programs and services offered by the office. It also serves as an opportunity for faculty and staff to meet new and returning students.

Art Walk – Last day to Submit Artwork

Black Trojan creatives, we invite you to submit art work or for our annual Art Walk which showcases the creative expression of our Black Trojan community. You can either have your artwork donated or housed for a period of time in the CBCSA.

Black Trojan Stories: The Student and Family Experience

A weekend of events that takes place during Trojan Family Weekend and is a collaborative effort with the Black Student Assembly. CBCSA is responsible for hosting an Open House, Student and Parent Panel and Unity Tailgate (with El Centro Chicano) during the weekend. A number of spots (15%) are reserved at the Unity Tailgate specifically… Read More »Black Trojan Stories: The Student and Family Experience

Black Family Weekend: Open House


A weekend of events that takes place during Trojan Family Weekend and is a collaborative effort with the Black Student Assembly. CBCSA is responsible for hosting an Open House, Student and Parent Panel and Unity Tailgate (with El Centro Chicano) during the weekend. A number of spots (15%) are reserved at the Unity Tailgate specifically… Read More »Black Family Weekend: Open House

Submit your event!

All events that are submitted to the Black Community Calendar will be reviewed for accuracy and once approved the organization/organizer will be notified that their event has been posted. To make the process as easy as possible, we have a submission form that everyone will fill out for each event.