Black Graduation Celebration
Bridging our past with our present, the African American Cultural Celebration (ABCC) serves as a traditional rite of passage that recognizes and affirms students of African descent who have completed a rigorous journey through academia at the University of Southern California. This largely attended and highly anticipated event unites students, families, and friends through culture and achievement. An outstanding speaker is chosen each year who insights words of wisdom, encouragement, and adoration to the audience allowing all participants to evaluate their life experiences while empowering them to reach all future endeavors.
To get tickets and other gear, visit our online store.
Black Graduation will be held on May 11, 2022 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm (pst) at Cromwell Field. Registration for Black Graduation will be 100% free! Please Register at the following link to join the celebration. Registration link: Black Grad 2022 Registration
If you are interested in being on the Black Graduation Planning Committee please fill out the following interest form:
If you are interested in being a Student Speaker for Black Graduation 2022 please fill out the following form here:
If you or your student organization are interested in performing for Black Graduation 2022 please email: (Greedley F Harris III) or (Damarea Parker).
Additional Information
To get the latest updates on what’s happening with the Black Graduation Celebration please view the tabs below.
If there are questions that are not answered below please reach out to for more information.
Important Dates
- May 3rd: Black Graduate Speaker Announcement
- May 8th: Black Graduation Celebrations Registration ends at 11:59 PST.
- May 11th : Last Day to secure your Black Graduation Stole from Pride Sash
- May 11th : Black Graduation Celebration at 7:00 PM PST
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